Sudbury Program
Investing in quality of life issues in Sudbury, MA
The next Sudbury Program Grant application deadline is Friday, July 11, 2025.
After careful evaluation, we are making an important change to the Sudbury Program in 2025. Applications for the Sudbury program will now be open only twice a year. This year, applications will be due on Friday, January 10th and Friday, July 11th at 5:00 pm. We encourage all organizations to talk with staff about ideas prior to applying.
The Foundation makes grants to Sudbury-based nonprofit organizations, the Town of Sudbury (and, through the Town, its boards, commissions and departments), the Sudbury Public Schools and Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School. The Foundation will also consider applications from public and nonprofit organizations located outside of Sudbury for projects that substantially benefit Sudbury residents.
If your nonprofit is based outside of Sudbury, you must speak to staff before applying for a Sudbury Program Grant. Please contact Executive Director Sonia Shah.
Funding Categories
Objective: To help young people realize their full potential and become caring, concerned citizens.
Build leadership skills and provide leadership opportunities
Encourage youth to get involved and to give back to the community (local, regional, national, world)
Enhance academic enrichment, cultural and recreational programs and opportunities
Support and strengthen activities that promote healthy behaviors
Objective: To preserve the Town’s natural, historic and other community assets.
Historic Preservation: Preserve the Town’s historic resources and landmarks, celebrate its storied history and enhance its natural character and charm
Environmental Preservation: Protect, restore and care for the Town’s air, land, water and habitats
Objective: To strengthen community resources and engender a greater sense of community.
Encourage participation in community events and civic affairs
Create a climate of acceptance and tolerance in which diversity is embraced and respect is demonstrated to all people
Nurture local philanthropy and volunteerism
Support town betterment projects, as appropriate
Objective: To support underserved citizens.
Strengthen assistance to underserved populations including seniors, low-income residents, and those facing physical, emotional health and other challenges
Other Criteria
The Trustees view collaboration among agencies with similar missions favorably and consider an applicant’s ability to secure alternate project financing. We welcome the opportunity to join with other funders in underwriting grant endeavors. Multi-year grant requests are accepted. Nonprofit organizations are limited to one grant per calendar year, with the exception of the Racial Equity & Inclusion grants.
Funding Restrictions
The Foundation does not make loans or grants to individuals. While we do not rule out requests for any particular type of assistance, we generally do not provide ongoing operating support, offset deficits, contribute to general appeals, purchase benefit tickets, sponsorships, fund efforts understood to be the responsibility of government or support religious activities.
Applying for a Sudbury Program Grant
Applicants are encouraged to discuss their needs with Foundation staff prior to submitting a full proposal. Telephone inquiries and concept papers are welcome.
Proposal Review Schedule
The Foundation Trustees meet four times a year to review proposals for the Sudbury Program. Refer to the schedule below.
Sudbury Program Calendar
frequently asked questions
Sudbury-based nonprofit organizations, the Town of Sudbury (and, through the Town, its boards, commissions and departments), the Sudbury Public Schools and Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School. The Foundation will also consider applications from public and nonprofit organizations located outside of Sudbury for projects that substantially benefit Sudbury residents.
Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School and Sudbury Public School Applicants: Your school proposals must be approved and signed by the superintendent.
Town of Sudbury applicants: Your proposals must be approved and signed by the Town Manager.
If your nonprofit is based outside of Sudbury, you must speak to staff before applying for a Sudbury Program Grant. Please contact Executive Director Sonia Shah at
The Foundation does not make loans or grants to individuals. While we do not rule out requests for any particular type of assistance, we generally do not provide ongoing operating support, offset deficits, contribute to general appeals, purchase benefit tickets, sponsorships, fund efforts understood to be the responsibility of government or support religious activities.
This grant is for work based within Sudbury. The Foundation will also consider applications from public and nonprofit organizations located outside of Sudbury for projects that substantially benefit Sudbury residents.
If your nonprofit is based outside of Sudbury, you must speak to staff before applying for a Sudbury Program Grant. Please contact Executive Director Sonia Shah at
This grant is open twice a year and applications are due at the beginning of January and July . Please see exact due dates on the Sudbury Program calendar above.
There is no specified maximum for this grant program. Please refer to the list of past grants below to see the range of grants awarded in prior years.
Multi-year grant requests are accepted. You must speak to staff before applying for multi-year funding. Please contact Executive Director Sonia Shah at
In most cases, nonprofit organizations can only receive one grant per calendar year. There are exceptions. For example, a nonprofit organization can receive a Sudbury Program grant and a Racial Equity and Inclusion grant in the same calendar year.
The Foundation requires a financial statement and programmatic report describing the way in which the funds were spent and an appraisal of the results achieved. Grant reports should be submitted to the Foundation upon completion of the project or within one year of receiving the grant award, whichever comes first. In some cases, the Foundation may request a Year Two report.
The funding categories are:
Youth Development and Opportunity
Preserving Community Character and Assets (Environmental and Historic Preservation)
Community Building/Town Betterment
Underserved Populations
Any organization submitting an application which would include working in collaboration with a school must submit a letter of support from the school.
Absolutely. Contact Executive Director Sonia Shah at or 978-443-0849 with any questions.
Past Grants
The Sudbury Community Food Pantry (Sudbury): $50,000.00 - Capital Campaign
Boston Outdoor Preschool Network: $3,000 - Coaching and professional development for Sudbury teaching team at new BOPN program at Wolbach Farm in Sudbury.
Gifts of Hope Unlimited: $15,000 - Critical support for survivors of relationship abuse
MAB Community Services, Inc: $8,785 - Sudbury's Peer Empowerment Support Group for Older Adults
Metrowest Free Medical Program: $10,000 - Vision Clinic Support
OARS: $40,000 - Bruce Freeman Rail Trail Rain and Pollinator Garden.
SMILE Mass, Inc.: $20,000 - Club Smile Mass
St. Vincent dePaul / Our Lady of Fatima: $10,000 - Sudbury Housing Assistance Project
Sudbury Historical Society: $42,000 - Babe Ruth of Sudbury: The Bambino in Massachusetts, 1914-1926
Sudbury Youth Soccer: $5,000 - Portable AED for use at Sudbury Soccer Programs
Town of Sudbury - Facilities: $15,650 - Gym Floor Covering for Fairbank Community Center
Town of Sudbury - Sustainability Coordinator: $15,000 - Locally Grown Sudbury, Farmer’s Markets
Town of Sudbury - Sudbury Police: $10,446 - E-Patrol Bikes
Wayside Inn Foundation: $57,000 - Phase 2 Historic Window Repair and Replacement
Goodnow Library Foundation: $19,089 - Installation of Smart Lockers at the Goodnow Library
Gifts of Hope Unlimited: $15,000 - Gift Cards to Support Sudbury Families
Guild for Human Services: $17,000 - Sudbury House Emergency Generator
MAB Community Services, Inc: $6,785 - To sustain Sudbury’s Low Vision Peer Empowerment Support Group at the Sudbury Senior Center.
Metro Community Development Corporation: $16,150 - Assist the Musketahquid Tenant Organization with Improvements.
MetroWest Free Medical Program: $10,000 - General Operating Support
Sudbury Historical Society: $50,000 - To hire a photographer to fully digitize the collection and make them digitally available for public viewing.
Sudbury Public Schools: $22,000 - Educational Programming to Support Disability Awareness
Sudbury Valley Trustees: $12,000 - Financial Systems Infrastructure
Sudbury Youth Soccer: $11,500 - To expand adaptive soccer programming and enrichment in Sudbury.
Town of Sudbury: $15,000 - To the Goodnow Library to add adaptive service offerings to the Library of Things, book collections, and programming
Town of Sudbury: $30,000 - To the Board of Health to purchase gift cards for Sudbury residents for emergency basic needs.
Town of Sudbury: $12,015 - To the Parks and Recreation Department for Fall Fest 2023 (Postponed to May 2024).
Gifts of Hope Unlimited: $7,000 - To help provide financial support for Sudbury families in need.
HOPEsudbury: $15,000 - For general operating support.
MetroWest Free Medical Program: $25,000 - For general operating support.
Save A Dog, Inc.: $5,000 - To support the teen volunteer program.
SMILE Mass, Inc.: $25,000 - To support the Club SMILE Mass program which provides hybrid after-school services to children and adults with severe disabilities.
Sudbury Cooperative Preschool: $15,000 - To support a Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Initiative.
Sudbury Extended Day: $25,000 - To hires a consultant for capacity and continuity planning.
Sudbury Historical Society: $40,000 - To assist in engaging with an archivist to catalogue its collections, update their database, and train volunteers on best practices.
Sudbury Valley Trustees: $15,000 - To upgrade their financial system.
Town of Sudbury: $21,000 - To purchase a power stretcher for the Fire Department’s third ambulance.
Town of Sudbury: $7,720 - To fund a Sudbury summer concert and block party in August, 2022.
Town of Sudbury: $30,000 - For a signage project along the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail.
Wayside Inn: $23,000 - To fund a canoe-making project as part of the Inn’s education initiative.
First Parish of Sudbury: $25,000 - For a Meetinghouse usage consultation.
Goodnow Library Foundation: $15,000 - To purchase furnishings for the newly renovated Historical Room
Lincoln-Sudbury Adult & Community Education: $6,000 - To cover the first year costs of new registration management system.
Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School: $2,500 - To host a “Reality for Life” financial literacy fair.
MetroWest Readers Fest: $1,000 - To help pilot the first “Community Read” event.
Musicians of the Old Post Road: $3,200 - To fund a video about historic landmarks in Sudbury.
SMILE Mass, Inc.: $14,750 - To purchase a new data management system.
Sudbury Historical Society: $5,000 - To publish a history of Broadacres Farm.
Sudbury Valley Trustees: $10,000 - For a website redesign.
Town of Sudbury: $15,000 - For Emotional Intelligence training for Police Department.
Town of Sudbury: $5,000 - To fund a RE&I project organized by the DEI Commission.
Town of Sudbury: $1,140 - To purchase signs for two outdoor water bottle fillers at fields.
Fresh Start Furniture Bank: $15,000 - Strategic planning, board development and succession planning.
Gifts of Hope Unlimited: $2,500 - To support emergency and immediate response efforts during COVID crisis.
HOPEsudbury: $6,500 - To support emergency and immediate response efforts during COVID crisis.
Neighbor Brigade: $9,000 - To support emergency and immediate response efforts during COVID crisis.
Lincoln Sudbury Parent Organization: $7,200 - To supplement LS's COVID-19 Testing Program.
Organization for the Assabet, Sudbury & Concord Rivers: $10,000 - Website enhancements.
Sudbury Housing Authority: $50,000 - Affordable rental housing site assessment.
Sudbury Valley Trustees: $5,000 - CRM databases and technology evaluation.
Fresh Start Furniture Bank: $5,000 - For general support
Goodnow Library Foundation: $10,000 - To pilot an intergenerational internship program.
MAB Community Services, Inc. / MA Assn. for the Blind and Visually Impaired: $15,150 - To support a Low Vision Peer Empowerment Support Group in Sudbury.
Sudbury Historical Society: $5,000 - A gift to recognize Sudbury Foundation Trustee Susan Iuliano upon her retirement.
Sudbury Valley Trustees: $10,000 - To fund a marketing and outreach training for SVT’s partners on promoting land protection and good stewardship watershed-wide.
Town of Sudbury: $10,834 - To help fund and install three water bottle filling stations around town.
Wayside Inn Foundation: $75,000 - Over three years, to help fund the new position of Nonprofit Program Director.
Town of Sudbury: $150,000 payable over two years. - For renovations at the Nixon and Loring Elementary School playgrounds to improve safety and enhance access.
Fresh Start Furniture Bank: $2,500 - For general support.
Gifts of Hope Unlimited: $12,900 - For a series of start-up projects.
Goodnow Library Foundation: $5,000 - For short-term grant writing research and support.
Longfellow’s Wayside Inn: $59,250 - For a series of planning consultations.
Metro Community Development Corp.: $15,000 - To bring the agency’s Financial Fitness Center to Sudbury.
Town of Sudbury, Council on Aging: $22,732 - To support the part-time volunteer coordinator.
Town of Sudbury, Planning and Community Development Dept.: $55,000 - To support the development of a new master plan for the Town.
MetroWest Free Medical Program: $25,000 - For a strategic planning consultation
Sudbury Extended Day: $5,000 - To train after-school teachers in positive behavior intervention techniques.
Thursday Garden Club: $2,000 - To help create a Blue Star Memorial Garden in Grinnell Park.
Advocates, Inc.: $20,300 - To pilot a jail diversion program in the towns of Sudbury and Hudson.
Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School: $7,500 - Faculty stipends to pilot the Hub for Innovation.
MetroWest Free Medical Program: $1,200 - To purchase equipment to create an additional exam room at the Sudbury location.
Sudbury Historical Society: $200,000 - A matching grant designed to help the Society fulfill its dream of creating a town History Center in the historic Loring Parsonage.
Organization for the Assabet, Sudbury & Concord Rivers: $5,000 - To create a report card on the health status of the Assabet, Sudbury and Concord rivers.
Sudbury United Methodist Church: $25,000 - In support of a capital campaign.
S.W.E.E.T., Inc.: $545 - A series of projects to help eradicate invasive species in Sudbury.
Town of Sudbury / Goodnow Library: $31,250 - To purchase equipment and provide staff training as part of an extensive renovation to the Library’s second floor.
Town of Sudbury / Health Department: $1,650 - To pilot the Budget Buddies financial literacy training.
Town of Sudbury / Health Department: $17,000 - To support a Hazardous Waste Collection Day.
Town of Sudbury / Council on Aging: $15,000 - To conduct a needs assessment of Sudbury’s Senior population.