Justice, equity, Diversity & Inclusion

investing in people, place and possibility— calls upon us to support justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, anti-racism and anti-oppression in all forms.

Over the past year, the Sudbury Foundation has taken a closer look at racial equity grantmaking. Since 2020, we have awarded 107 grants exclusively focused on racial equity work to 60 organizations, totaling $440,000. The Foundation will be offering this grant program again in 2024 in its commitment to support justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, anti-racism and anti-oppression in all forms.

Our recent review process, which included internal data analysis and conversations with various stakeholders and grantees, confirmed that this is a program that should continue, and led us to make some important changes.

In order to better reflect the scope of the program, which spans all areas of equity and diversity, we have changed the name from Racial Equity & Inclusion (RE&I) to Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI). This name change provides consistency across all our equity work. (Click the button to the right to read our JEDI Statement.)

The biggest change to the program is that it will now fund work focused on systemic change. Systemic change refers to the overhaul of a system to create a lasting difference. Systemic change can be internal or external to an organization.

Examples of internal systemic change could include equity strategic plans, training, or audits of policies, along with steps to implement changes identified.

Examples of external systemic change could include coalition building, identifying and addressing the root cause of inequities, or reducing systemic barriers to equity.

Systemic change work includes projects that focus on altering systems rather than individuals:

  • Assessment of systems, processes, interactions and norms within an organization

  • Work with marginalized populations to create change/opportunities

  • Creation of tangible action steps to effect change

 Work that will not be funded:

  • Community events

  • General operating support


  • 501(c)3 nonprofits based in or working primarily in our catchment area: Acton, Concord, Framingham, Hudson, Lincoln, Marlboro, Maynard, Natick, Stow, Sudbury, and Wayland.

  • Any current grantee of the Sudbury Foundation.

  • Town of Sudbury (through the Town, its boards, commissions and departments), the Sudbury Public Schools and Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School.

  • Both new (including those started within the past three years) and expansion of existing projects are eligible for funding.

The grant award maximum will remain at $5,000 and it will continue to be an exception to the Foundation’s rule of one grant per organization per year.


Applications Available:
July 10

Grant Applications Due:
August 9

Decisions will be announced in September.

Click here to access the JEDI application.

Grant guidelines

The JEDI Grant Program will fund work focused on systemic change. Systemic change refers to the overhaul of a system to create a lasting difference. Systemic change can be internal or external to an organization.

Examples of internal systemic change could include equity strategic plans, training, or audits of policies, along with steps to implement changes identified.

Examples of external systemic change could include coalition building, identifying and addressing the root cause of inequities, or reducing systemic barriers to equity.

Systemic change work includes projects that focus on altering systems rather than individuals:

  • Assessment of systems, processes, interactions and norms within an organization

  • Work with marginalized populations to create change/opportunities

  • Creation of tangible action steps to effect change

 Work that will not be funded:

  • Community events

  • General operating support


  • 501(c)3 nonprofits based in or working primarily in our catchment area: Framingham, Hudson, Marlboro, Maynard, Acton, Lincoln, Natick, Stow, Concord, Wayland and Sudbury.

  • Any current grantee of the Sudbury Foundation.

  • Town of Sudbury (through the Town, its boards, commissions and departments), the Sudbury Public Schools and Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School.

  • Both new (including those started within the past three years) and expansion of existing projects are eligible for funding.

The grant award maximum is $5,000 and it will continue to be an exception to the Foundation’s rule of one grant per organization per year.

Other Criteria

In most cases, nonprofit organizations can only receive one grant per calendar year. The JEDI grant is the one exception.

For example, a nonprofit organization can receive a Children, Youth & Family grant and a JEDI grant in the same calendar year.

Funding Restrictions

The Foundation does not make loans or grants to individuals. While we do not rule out requests for any particular type of assistance, we generally do not provide ongoing operating support, offset deficits, contribute to general appeals, purchase benefit tickets, sponsorships, fund efforts understood to be the responsibility of government or support religious activities.

Applying for a Grant

Applicants are encouraged to discuss their needs with Foundation staff prior to submitting a full proposal. Telephone inquiries are welcome. 

Proposal Review Schedule

Applications are reviewed in September.

frequently asked questions

  • Eligibility:

    • 501(c)3 nonprofits based in or working primarily in our catchment area: Framingham, Hudson, Marlboro, Maynard, Acton, Lincoln, Natick, Stow, Concord, Wayland and Sudbury.

    • Any current grantee of the Sudbury Foundation.

    • Town of Sudbury (through the Town, its boards, commissions and departments), the Sudbury Public Schools and Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School.

    If your nonprofit is based outside of the Foundation’s catchment area, you are encouraged to speak to staff before applying. Please contact Executive Director Sonia Shah, shah@sudburyfoundation.org.

    The Foundation does not make loans or grants to individuals. While we do not rule out requests for any particular type of assistance, we generally do not provide ongoing operating support, offset deficits, contribute to general appeals, purchase benefit tickets, sponsorships, fund efforts understood to be the responsibility of government or support religious activities.

  • This grant opens in July of each year and applications are due August. Decisions are announced in September. Please see exact due dates on the JEDI Grants webpage.

  • Applicants may request up to $5,000 in funding.

  • Multi-year grant requests are not supported through this program.

  • In most cases, nonprofit organizations can only receive one grant per calendar year. The JEDI grant is the one exception.

    For example, a nonprofit organization can receive a Children, Youth & Family grant and a JEDI grant in the same calendar year.

  • There are no formal reporting requirements for this grant.

  • The JEDI grant funds work focused on systemic change. Systemic change refers to the overhaul of a system to create a lasting difference. Systemic change can be internal or external to an organization.

    Examples of internal systemic change could include equity strategic plans, training, or audits of policies, along with steps to implement changes identified.

    Examples of external systemic change could include coalition building, identifying and addressing the root cause of inequities, or reducing systemic barriers to equity.

    Both new (including those started within the past three years) and expansion of existing projects are eligible for funding.

  • Absolutely, contact Executive Director Sonia Shah at shah@sudburyfoundation.org or 978-443-0849 with any questions.

Past Grants