Show Your Team the Love

Are you taking care of your staff, your board and your volunteers?

Are you considering how you are developing each person on your team?

Are you giving them the information and supports they need to stay up-to-speed and engaged in what they are doing?

It's worth a few minutes of time every week for nonprofit managers to think about each individual in the organization. What else can you do to support the people who are the heart and sole of your nonprofit?

Could you communicate with them better? Why not check in more often, notice and appreciate the little things they do, ask for their input or simply say "thanks"?

Or do something fun. Why not hold a silly contest, bring in donuts, or plan a potluck lunch get-together?

And don't rule out professional development opportunities. There's nothing like a workshop or time to network with colleagues to get those creative juices flowing. Even if your budget is tight, there are great training resources available. Many are right here in Metrowest so travel time and expenses are minimal. Most are affordable. A few are free!

Some options:


Associated Grantmakers/ Mass. Nonprofit Network
Upcoming:  2011 Fall Conference, 10/20/11 Best Western in Marlboro 

MetroWest Nonprofit Network:
Upcoming: Outcomes Measurement, Fundraising, Board Development

Foundation for MetroWest

Nonprofit Net Inc.:
Upcoming: Nonprofit communications

Greater Worcester Nonprofit Support Center:
Upcoming: Board Development, Succession Planning, Facilitation Skills


For fast, economical professional development, consider a webinar. We’ve done a few at the Foundation and gotten a lot out of them. It’s easy…you can sit at desk and eat your lunch while following along. (I often invite a board member to sit in with me.) There’s usually a helpful PowerPoint presentation that you can watch on your computer (and often download later) as well as an opportunity to get your questions answered.

Nonprofit Webinars:
Upcoming: Marketing, Segmentation, Profit Making Ventures

If you have other recommendations, please let us know.

Posted September 6, 2011

Photo courtesy of id-iom


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