Racial Equity & Inclusion Mini Grants

Request for Proposals due July 30, 2020

To advance equity and inclusion work in our communities, the Sudbury Foundation is offering a one-time, mini-grant program open to nonprofits in our catchment area* who wish to focus on anti-racism learning and action. We see these small grants as a starting point for communications, education and collaboration, a preliminary step on a path to change.

Up to $2,500 is available toward a project that your organization identifies as essential to furthering racial justice efforts. Some examples include:




  1. Internal organizational learning and communications, policy review, professional development, facilitated discussions, courses, book purchases
  2. Community education (i.e., events, conversations, presentations)
  3. Collaboration among diverse constituencies and/or outreach that encourages new community connections, friendships and partnerships
  4. Other ideas are welcome.
Please submit:
  • A one-page (or less) Word document describing what you plan to do and why, who you will engage, and what you consider success to be.
  • Evidence that you are committed to anti-racism work (i.e., a board-endorsed statement, mission statement, relevant past work).
  • The amount requested.
  • Your EIN.

Proposals are due July 30, 2020. Please email the material to: contact@sudburyfoundation.org by 5:00 p.m. Grant decisions will be made on or before August 31, 2020.

No formal grant report will be required, although we hope participating nonprofits will share their efforts with us and colleagues during an optional conference call.

Questions: Please contact Marilyn Martino: martino@sudburyfoundation.org

*Catchment Area: The program is open to 501(c)3 nonprofits based in or working primarily in the following MetroWest communities: Framingham, Hudson, Marlborough, Maynard, Acton, Lincoln, Natick, Stow, Concord, Wayland and Sudbury.


Addressing Racism and Bias


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